Saturday, November 1, 2008

November 1

So in case you are unaware, November is NaBloPoMo. What the heck is that you ask? It stands for National Blog Post Month and the idea is that you are to post an entry Every Day for the month of November. I have participated in the past and one year I succeeded and one year I didn't. But I am going to challenge myself again this year and see how it goes.

Some people have a theme for the month and others don't. I haven't decided yet, but I am leaning towards one. We'll see.

Today I am Thankful for my extended family. My mum, step-dad, grandma (mummum) sister and niece are on their way here now.

I usually only get to see my sister about once a year, maybe twice since we live so far apart. This will make twice this year and we always see each other at Christmas.

We will be going to Kraynaks and Daffins. Then we are having a birthday party here for my niece. Yesterday was her birthday, on Halloween! How much fun when she gets older.


1 comment:

Dory said...

So... didja spend yesterday stashing?? ;o)