Sunday, November 23, 2008

November 23

Today I took an afternoon nap and when I got up, my tree was up and decorated. Although I am Thankful that hubby was inspired to do it. I have a certain way I like things done. I imagine that I will tweak it just a bit on Wednesday when I am off and he is at work.

He did wait for me for a few special ornaments that we always put up together. For that I am happy.

This is part way through it being finished. It needs tweaked and pushed back in the corner yet.
We usually don't put our tree up until after Thanksgiving. Last year was the first time we put it up before the holiday. Since we have Thanksgiving here now, Hubby likes to have it up when everyone is here.
When do you put your tree up?


Jen said...

We usually put ours up Thanksgiving night. We take it down the day after Christmas!!

BEK said...

The tradition at my parent's house is to put it up the day after Thanksgiving along with all the other decorations; including the nativity! It usually gets taken down sometime before New Years or so. I hope to continue the tradition at our new home with putting it up either Thanksgiving night or the day after. We leave the nativity up until Easter.

VENTL8R said...

The tree is going up Thursday with prep probably starting Wednesday night.

Tracie said...

Aw that was very sweet of your hubby to do that for you! We usually put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving and take it down New Years Day. More due to scheduling than tradtion!

VENTL8R said...

Oh, and thanks for the link to TCBOTB - or whatever it is!

Jen said...

Before you buy this week's People magazine, I wanted to let you know that the blip about Mike Rowe isn't a big centerfold or anything. He is mentioned on a page with 3 or 4 other guys.
He didn't get the cover, but I am sure glad he was mentioned!
(I knew you'd appreciate knowing he was on the list, seeing that you are a fellow Mike fan, too.)

meg said...

If it were left to me, it wouldn't get put up- too much work :-P
Fortunately, the guys usually do it the week after Thanksgiving