Saturday, November 22, 2008

November 22

Today is the final night of the high school play. Today I am Thankful that it will finally be over. After many late nights and long Saturday practices it is coming to an end.

The kids did a great job. The only problem is the mic system. The schools was not working for some reason so the drama department rented mic's and they keep cutting out on the kids. I feel so bad that they worked so hard for so long and then the audience can only hear part of the program.

I will add pictures in later.

Not much else is going on. I am studying for work. And actually feel that I am learning some things. We met with the doctor Friday and went over our books for a while. I was full of questions and with the answers have learned even more.


1 comment:

Dory said...

You feel like you're back in school?