Monday, January 3, 2011


We had an amazing sermon yesterday in church. It was a great way to start the new year and gave me a lot to think about and ponder.

I hadn't considered any resolutions as I didn't want to once again set myself up for failure. But after hearing the sermon by Pastor Jeff, I have decided to make a few anyhow.

So here are my Resolutions for 2011:

1. Pray more and Preach less.
2. Love more and Judge less.
3. Family Time more and TV/Computer less.
4. Blog more and include the boyz in it.

I have a few more but those are the ones I want to share right now.

What are you working on in 2011?



Heidi said...

I think those are some great resolutions. I came up with 11 goals. I called them goals because I want to work and make progress but none I can really "finish". They are on my blog. Glad you liked the sermon! I thought it was good too but I may be biased!

Becca said...

My resolution is to live more in the moment. Not to worry about things I have no control over. Life is the good stuff that happens when you let it.

Shannon said...

Great goals- don't you love the promise of a new year? Mine is to live abundantly!

Jen said...

Excellent resolutions, Stacy!

Dory said...

Love the "love more and judge less" line.... now there's something to think on.