Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tween Update

We went back to the Orthopedic doctor yesterday and from the CT Scans he determined that the growth plate was split and rotated. He had surgery this morning to put everything back in place and insert 2 pins.

Thankfully he did not have to have a regular incision. The doctor was able to move everything back into place by manipulation and then just made 2 small cuts to insert the pins. Those will stay in for a few weeks and should be able to be removed right in the office.

We go back in the morning for him to check everything and make sure it all looks good. Next week after the swelling subsides from today they will cast it.

His fingers are all orange from whatever they use in surgery to clean everything. They are a little swollen at this point.
He did really well with everything today. They gave him a little something before they took him down for surgery so he was pretty calm. Which made it so much easier on me. I was a big girl and did not cry. I was pretty close a few times, but I made it.
We want to thank everyone for all of their prayers, calls, thoughts and well wishes over the last few days.


Lucky Wife/Bookaholic said...

a baby having surgery? Totally allowed to cry... Glad he's doing well.

Jen said...

What a cutie!

Even though this was a stressful situation, it will make for a great story when he is 20! :)

Glad surgery is over and I hope he recovers quick! Kids heal so much faster than adults!

Dory said...

I'm sure in the long run... this whole ordeal was MUCH harder on mama than on tween! Glad to hear he did so well.

Tracie said...

oh poor baby! Very scarey for the mom!!! The kid, was no no big deal! Hang in there!!

meg said...

From experience, I can tell you the Lucky is right- eight years later, Sam brags about his fracture, in gory detail, while I get the sweats & flashbacks :-P
I'm proud of you- you handled everything like a pro- you now have our permission to melt into a puddle of emotion & eat lots of choclates(you know the ones I mean!)