Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thanks & Snow Pic's

First I want to thank everyone for all the well wishes and prayers.

When we met with the Dr. one day during one on one training, he told us that at one point in our training we would hit a wall. It would take us to a very low point and we would want to quit. I actually thought I had hit this wall a few weeks ago thinking that I couldn't do the job. There were a few days that I thought I would never figure this whole passing the instruments, putting the right wires in, etc. I worked my way through it and thought I was going to do fine.
Then early this week I hit another wall. This one I wasn't sure I would get over. But I have felt the wonderful prayers and well wishes that each of you have been sending my way. Yesterday and today I had wonderful days at work. I felt like things were starting to click. I passed instruments and actually knew the correct order. I changed wires and didn't have as much trouble as I had been having.
My biggest hurdle is not being home for my kids. Is there a way for me to balance work and home with this job? I am not sure, I am not giving up yet, but I am keeping my options open.
So again thank you for the prayers and well wishes and please continue to pray for direction for me.

And on a completely different note, here are a few pics from the snow we have here. And yes, we still have lots! I love every minute if the snow. Although I don't care for the -* readings on the thermometer.

Look how high that snow is piled on the bushes outside of the entrance!
Not sure if you can tell, but the snow is piled taller that Little S.
This is our walk way. That snow is almost up to my knees. I should have stepped into it so you could really see how much we have.
It warmed up today a little, so we probably lost a couple of inches, but we still have a good 6"-8" out there!
Have a great day!


Lucky Wife/Bookaholic said...

glad you are feeling better...Maybe this is going to se an opportunity for your husband and kids since your working hrs have changed?

ShanaM said...

The pictures are great!

Glad you are feeling better.

(The only way I have balanced work and my child is by working at night, sleeping while she is school so I can have the evenings free.)

BEK said...

I am glad things are getting better!

SNOW!!!!! Ugh....I agree I enjoy snow, but it doesn't have to be so crazy cold!

Anonymous said...

Hey S!

I am so sorry to hear you have had some rough times at work lately. I am really glad to hear you have overcame them each and everytime and have relied on a higher power to pull you through. Isn't our Lord amamzing?

Wow..that is a lot of snow. My goodness! I would not mind that much snow either, but I am with you..the temps are not my idea of a good time!