Friday, April 17, 2009


Here are a few pics I have taken recently:

This is my handsome Hubby practicing Easter Sunday morning.

This is what the Easter Bunny left at our house. Yes, those are orange counters in my kitchen. Blecht...but not my choice.
These are the little chicks at the local Tractor Supply store in town. They always have spring chicks & ducklings for Easter.
Tween picked one up so Little S could pet it. That was before we saw the sign that said "No Handling". Oops...we have always been able to pick them up before. They said this year they have had a lot of problems with kids coming in and squeezing them. They lost over 70 birds this year. How sad.
In case you can't read this plate it says "BUFFOON". Who in their right mind would want that on their car?
This final pick I had to turn the car around and go back for. This is on a back road near my place. The other day when I went through I saw that they had laid some fresh blacktop along the edges of the road. Today when I went through I saw this plant growing. Right up through the middle of the blacktop. What will and determination that plant had. It reminds me that with God all things are possible. And no matter how much is put on top of me, I will always make it through with God.
Have a great weekend!


mitchowl said...

Great pictures. It looks like you had a great Easter. Very Sweet! ha ha

BEK said...

Love it!

Becca said...

Great photos, and that goes to show you that plants will grow where God intends them to no matter what!